mardi 1 mars 2016


laser cut made in the Fab Lab at "La Gare Numérique de Jeumont" for the ucomping exhibitions in new-York and Tokyo. Generative abstrat art made with processing in tribute to Paolo Scheggi.

lundi 20 juillet 2015

Interarea #08 - Laser cut art work

The first laser cut art work from the Interareas series is in progress and is waiting to be painted. This generative art work has been created with a home-made algorithm written with Processing.

mercredi 10 juin 2015


New artworks from the "Interareas" series in tribute to Paolo Scheggi and Dadamaino
This project has been created with a home-made algorithm written with Processing.

These generative paintings are available as art prints at Society6 and as metal posters at Displate.

lundi 9 mars 2015


New artworks from the "Interareas" series in tribute to Paolo Scheggi.
This project has been created with a home-made algorithm written with Processing.

These generative paintings are available as art prints at Society6 and as metal posters at Displate.

mardi 17 février 2015


« Interareas » is a new generative art series by Azarias in tribute to Paolo Scheggi.
Geometric abstract compositions made with #processing.

Animated version and sculptures are to come.

Buy these generative paintings as art prints on Society6 and as metal posters at Displate.


En pleine période de redécouverte, à l'échelle internationale, de l'art cinétique et de l’Abstraction Géométrique, le musée Matisse du Cateau-Cambrésis organise une importante rétrospective de l'oeuvre de Geneviève Claisse (née à Quiévy, France, en 1935 - vit et travail à Paris), l'une des principales représentantes de l'Abstraction Géométrique en France. L'exposition mettra en lumière sa contribution originale à ce mouvement en réunissant, en collaboration avec l'artiste elle-même, une centaine de peintures, dessins et sculptures des périodes successives de son oeuvre.

Du 11/04/2015 au 20/09/2015


The algorists manifesto is an algorithm:

if (creation && object of art && algorithm && one's own algorithm) {
          include * an algorist
} elseif (!creation || !object of art || !algorithm || !one's own algorithm) {
          exclude * not an algorist
« Algorithmic art may be found throughout history, from prehistoric basket weaving to geometric and conceptual art in the 20th Century. However, the advent of computers provide us with form-generating leverage that, to the best of my knowledge, has no precedent in  the history of art. It is in  this sense that algorist artists of the late 20th Century pioneered procedures that have come to permeate the visual and sound arts in the 21st Century. » — Roman Verotsko

Read the story and definition of the pioneers of algorihmic art who first experimented with coded artistic procedures with computers: